Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patriots Pen Essay

Our Country

          America, one of the most organized places in the world, well it used to be.  Don’t get me wrong I’m actually very satisfied with how our country we call home is doing, but sometimes things fall apart like everything eventually does.

            I’m hoping we can make a beautiful comeback, though and quite frankly I think we will. In my best adjectives I can give you at least have a dozen good things, beautiful, remembering, citizenship, aggressive, forgiving, and amazing. See how great that is! For anyone who doubts this country they seriously need to think twice because honestly, this is quite far the best country out there. 

            Like I said there is still room for improvement though like, especially the government. We have no money! We are going bankrupt, they need to turn this around because without a good government there would be now “America.” Also something all the country’s need to work on, is the warfare, this is all unnecessary, why cant we all respect each others believes because believe me, I guarantee that America would have about 10 trillion dollars more if there wasn’t wars, all these purchases of weapons and bombs is just stupid!

            I believe anyways, that if all these changes could be successful, America really could unite everybody everywhere and just be a respectful environment for everyone. No moreguns no more arguments about government and just plain out being respectful I truly believe that we can change America!

            To close out,  I would like to say that I love America and I am greatful for all our veterans.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vietnam War

Author's Note: I chose this topic because i wanted to explore whati could imagine with the things i've heard about this war, mainly though it is because as you will read my father was in this war.

What would it be like seeing your friends die in Vietnam? Pretty horrid I’ll tell you that much. Here I’ll tell you a story about when my dad was in Vietnam. 

Having the first decent dream in a while, my father wakes up to a screaming drill instructor. WAKE UP YOU MAGGTOTS, TODAY IS THE SWIMMING DRILL! This for my dad was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. For one, he sucked at swimming. Also he was sicker than a dog. He is graduating from boot camp in a couple weeks.  Well, dad got out of this one, because he is in chopper platoon, he doesn’t have to do the swimming like the other troops.  graduation is also factor     he I graduating 2 days earlier.
Richard Sack! #322 platoon choppers, your a gunner mate.
                                                1 WEEK LATER 
While flying over the deserted Plaines of Vietnam they finally enter the city of Hanoi. Were the real battle began. Dropping troops into the city while my father guns down any threats to them. Soon enough like you were probably going to guess my dad gets hit only not by gunshot, by mortar. Yes it hit the ground when they happened to be hovering low to the ground. Getting thrown by the force of the pain to the ground of the chopper. Screaming in pain sadly there was no help near. So they had top fly hime all the way back to camp to get a medic.

After 2 weeks of healing he was ready again, but already facing one of the hardest things of his life. The mission was, to go to a rough rock that was not possible to land on. So they had to hover above it and drop. A missed drop would end up falling 300 feet to your rocky death. So my father jumped, and before he knew it he was hanging on for dear life. On the side of a rock 300 feet up, right when he had no more strength in him his squadron sergeant grabbed his hand and pulled him up. He told him this, “I only saved you because you’re my brother now all marines stick together and there’s a battle to be fought.” 

Running through small passageways and tiny caves, they finally came to the main battle field Iwo Jima. This was the bloodiest thing anyone in the platoon has ever seen. There was one objective for this mission, and that was dominating the base.  The battle went on for days and weeks, medics on the camp site about 15 miles away from the main battlefield. After two weeks of fighting stuff was finally starting to settle down. Less hostile forces and we finally had the base. We set the American flag up in victory.
And THAT is the Vietnam war. As you now see what this nightmare was like.