Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cause and Effect

The big city, that’s where it happened. It was a very warm yet stormy spring day on April 24th 1999. It was St. Lukes hospital in downtown San Diego. I was born at exactly 8:34 AM. The next three years of my life would take place here.

I would say that a cause and effect of this would be, being born in a very warm climate, it took me a while to switch over to the cooler Colorado and Wisconsin weather. Also San Diego was a big city therefore moving onto smaller city's from the vivd memories of San Diego in my mind was hard.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Try everything!

Author's note: As you will read in this essay I love every food in the world. For people who won't try something because it doesn't look good, are missing out greatly.

Food, what would we do without it? Well, first of all we wouldn’t be here. We need to it to survive. Of of the subject of that there are many different kinds of food! They run in cultures.

Like mexican food for instance consist of a lot of tropical fruits and vegetables, because it is warm there. In Africa there is a lot of meat produced, because of all of the wild animals. All over their world there are different kinds of food though to go through all of them would be madness.

A lot of people like and dislike various foods. In most cases, it’s vegetables. I, on the other hand do not. I could eat any food and love it I am not a very picky eater at all actually, and have very little respect for people that are, if you really don’t like something, that’s fine; but always and i repeat always try it before you deny it. You will have all the respect in the world from me!

Everything has a purpose!

Author's note:Our writing circle group decided to write about animals, I was not fond of the idea, but once I started writing it was actually really fun.

Animals: There are many animals in the world. You all know this of course, but have you ever decided to take a deeper look into it? Like how animals would survive without every single one of their unique traits they all have. Let’s take a look.

The jaguar, have you ever wondered if there is a reason for their black spots, or the tiger with the stripes? Well, there both use their unique bodies for camouflage, for hunting to gather food for them and their youngs. Or like the kangaroo which has a pouch for carrying its young. Every animal has its own different trait to make it one of a kind.

So, next time you think an animal has nothing to it, you really need to think again. Everything has a purpose on this world especially animals.


 Author's note: I was outside yesturday and I noticed. It is so simple yet, so outstanding. I wanted to express my feelings about this, so here it is.


The outdoors is a great place to get work done, peaceful, mind filling and refreshing. There are open fields. Mystical forests and green colorful forests. Anything you could imagine can be out there if you just believe.

There are also dangers to the outside world though, like wild animals and thunderstorms. There kinds of things are why shelter has been invented; like the other day, I saw a snake in my meadow in northern wisconsin so I ran inside, or just yesterday there was a severe thunderstorm so I went inside.

I suppose some people might have allergies too, and that is just a shame, limited to the outdoors for me would be like being limited to oxygen. I wouldn’t be able to survive. So if you love the outdoors with long walks on the beach, playing sports, or just soaking up the sun. You love the outdoors!