Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Try everything!

Author's note: As you will read in this essay I love every food in the world. For people who won't try something because it doesn't look good, are missing out greatly.

Food, what would we do without it? Well, first of all we wouldn’t be here. We need to it to survive. Of of the subject of that there are many different kinds of food! They run in cultures.

Like mexican food for instance consist of a lot of tropical fruits and vegetables, because it is warm there. In Africa there is a lot of meat produced, because of all of the wild animals. All over their world there are different kinds of food though to go through all of them would be madness.

A lot of people like and dislike various foods. In most cases, it’s vegetables. I, on the other hand do not. I could eat any food and love it I am not a very picky eater at all actually, and have very little respect for people that are, if you really don’t like something, that’s fine; but always and i repeat always try it before you deny it. You will have all the respect in the world from me!

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