Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Retelling of "Catching Fire"

Author's note: This is my retelling of the book "Catching Fire" the sequel  to "Hunger Games." Please leave a comment down below to tell me what I can improve on. 

Katniss has won the Hunger Games, although she hasn't done it alone. She and fellow district mate Peeta, have both won. Which is against the rules of the annual Hunger Games. Now, the capitol of Panem, (Future North America) sees this as defiance. They seek revenge, but first they give Katniss a chance to fix the problem. In the attempt; she get close but fails. Now the 75th Hunger Games are coming around, and little do Katniss or Peeta know; They will fight in it. Does Katniss become victorious again? Find out if you give "Catching Fire" a chance. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Conflict Resolution for Catching Fire

Authors note: Here is my conflict resolution for Catching Fire. I worked really hard to make this a quality piece.

In the book "Catching Fire" Katniss is upset about winning the Hunger Games. Although, she should be. She cheated the capitol and now they seek revenge. Katniss has a plan though, she has to get the other 11 districts do believe that she is madly in love with her district mate Peeta. If she can do that, this whole entire mishap will be put to rest. In this book I found 2 types of conflict in this book, person vs. person. and Person vs. Society. If you wonder why it's because Katniss has to get the society to believe she loves Peeta; which isn't easy. And Person vs. Person because she has to fight some capitol guards along the way.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cause and Effect

The big city, that’s where it happened. It was a very warm yet stormy spring day on April 24th 1999. It was St. Lukes hospital in downtown San Diego. I was born at exactly 8:34 AM. The next three years of my life would take place here.

I would say that a cause and effect of this would be, being born in a very warm climate, it took me a while to switch over to the cooler Colorado and Wisconsin weather. Also San Diego was a big city therefore moving onto smaller city's from the vivd memories of San Diego in my mind was hard.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Try everything!

Author's note: As you will read in this essay I love every food in the world. For people who won't try something because it doesn't look good, are missing out greatly.

Food, what would we do without it? Well, first of all we wouldn’t be here. We need to it to survive. Of of the subject of that there are many different kinds of food! They run in cultures.

Like mexican food for instance consist of a lot of tropical fruits and vegetables, because it is warm there. In Africa there is a lot of meat produced, because of all of the wild animals. All over their world there are different kinds of food though to go through all of them would be madness.

A lot of people like and dislike various foods. In most cases, it’s vegetables. I, on the other hand do not. I could eat any food and love it I am not a very picky eater at all actually, and have very little respect for people that are, if you really don’t like something, that’s fine; but always and i repeat always try it before you deny it. You will have all the respect in the world from me!

Everything has a purpose!

Author's note:Our writing circle group decided to write about animals, I was not fond of the idea, but once I started writing it was actually really fun.

Animals: There are many animals in the world. You all know this of course, but have you ever decided to take a deeper look into it? Like how animals would survive without every single one of their unique traits they all have. Let’s take a look.

The jaguar, have you ever wondered if there is a reason for their black spots, or the tiger with the stripes? Well, there both use their unique bodies for camouflage, for hunting to gather food for them and their youngs. Or like the kangaroo which has a pouch for carrying its young. Every animal has its own different trait to make it one of a kind.

So, next time you think an animal has nothing to it, you really need to think again. Everything has a purpose on this world especially animals.


 Author's note: I was outside yesturday and I noticed. It is so simple yet, so outstanding. I wanted to express my feelings about this, so here it is.


The outdoors is a great place to get work done, peaceful, mind filling and refreshing. There are open fields. Mystical forests and green colorful forests. Anything you could imagine can be out there if you just believe.

There are also dangers to the outside world though, like wild animals and thunderstorms. There kinds of things are why shelter has been invented; like the other day, I saw a snake in my meadow in northern wisconsin so I ran inside, or just yesterday there was a severe thunderstorm so I went inside.

I suppose some people might have allergies too, and that is just a shame, limited to the outdoors for me would be like being limited to oxygen. I wouldn’t be able to survive. So if you love the outdoors with long walks on the beach, playing sports, or just soaking up the sun. You love the outdoors!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 Author's note:This is for an essay due for social studies. I felt I was doing proficient on this essay and decided to also use it for Language arts.

Drilling for oil. Three simple words, but they’re not when you hear all of the crisis and disappointment that these three words have brought us. Not so simple at all. So, Should the United States drill in Alaska? You might say “Why not” or “sure” but, they are not drilling in any ordinary land. It is effecting Alaska's beautiful nature. That is why I definitely don’t support drilling in Alaska!

What does this mean? Well, it would be affecting animals’ habitat and possibly  endangering them. This is a terrible situation and I just wish our country could find somewhere else to drill. Wrecking this amazing state is like a crime or something and that isn't something we can stop.

As the United States we use way more oil than we produce which is really bad considering that it over twice as much! We really need to find a way to get that under control. It is kind of rude to take so much and not give back! That might be a thing that could lead to a war because other countries might get mad at us. Excuse me getting of the topic of Alaska but still I can’t stress that enough! By the way, according to the refuge times. There isn't enough space to drill all of the oil there because of trees and hills in the way of drilling. From that information all I have to say is what's the point?

Something that caught my attention was the history of the refuge and how long its been there that’s why there should be no drilling in Alaska! I don’t support this drilling and never will and from there I will leave you to wonder, Is drilling in Alaska a good idea?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


 Authors note:A book is the start of a new life in your mind! This book is a start of a whole new universe of unimaginable things.

Where do I start? This book is phenomenal from start to finish. Abandoned in a half dead half alive world; The children must find a way back to life, or to death in heaven! The best thing I thought about this book was how the author made everything so realistic! For instance there is this little boy that was abandoned there 150 years ago. He has forgotten everything about his real life, he can't even remember his own name!

All I know is I would break down in tears if this ever happened to me! Never get to see my family ever again or do anything you used to! Whatever, now with the author this man is truly talented, to make this book feel like real life.There was this one scene where the kids were in the jungle and there were birds chirping and the sounds were like bakkar! and fesin! I don't really know how to explain this in writing, but it was good.

Into the next point, the characters their personality was real and smooth. Just as a good book should be, many adventures that could not happen in real life make the characters personality's ten times more advanced as they evolve through time and journey to a better place. Truly fantastic! I personally loved this book with all my heart and have tried to daydream some situations in the book. Never again will I ever find a better book than this one!

I shall state the facts of life and the lessons this book teaches you. Fact of life you can never truly have what you wish for! Also one of the best lessons I have ever heard is this, the human mind can never be pleased. I'll leave it off here for you to think.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Work of the Wolves

Author’s Note: The book of direction, is what I call this book, it goes round and round, but it always stays exiting, the irony and confidence that the characters have are just inspiring.

This book The Work of the Wolves by: Kent Meyers  These words mean something, and a lot of people don’t think so. They think it is just something people say to calm you down or something like that. Well, they’re lunatics, no matter how disappointing life gets you keep pushing, keep fighting, and defiantly never ever give up.

So that leads me straight to my main point in this essay, Life was hard at the turn of the old century 1909, and the reason I say this is, money was getting tight, people were getting mean, and the world was getting rough. If you tried to survive a week back then, I bet you wouldn’t be able to, for instance, work everyday and very little rewards. But you need to understand, they were used to that, we for example are not. Face it, we’re lazy. With all the technology we have all of our work is basically done for us.

Did you know horses were the leading traveling utilities a long while ago? Although, they could still be today if they were more popular. A male horse known as a stallion can also be deadly, one kick from the rear legs and you could be done for. Examples in the book are non existent but there is still the one message, never give up. Which means wolves can be useful too. For instance the wolves intimidated the horses to do there work.

So hopefully this book made you think twice about giving up. It sure did for my case. If it doesn’t well I sure influenced you!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Authors Note: Have you ever had one of those moments were you just go "Seriously?" Well I know I have! Here are some circumstances   that someone might say it.

"you just lost the game" "Seriously?" "Or this: I hate you!" "seriously?"   See? It almost goes around in everyday life! So now I ask you are you seriously reading this?!


 Author Note: The human eye is commonly attracted to something we call "cute" now I will narrow it down for you.

Cute, think about it, what pops into your head? Narrowing down the word cute will take some deep thinking, but I am prepared for that. Let's say for instance, that your staring off into space and then something or someone cute walks by, in most cases your eye would follow it. I'm here to answer: does it always do so? Well I tried to figure this out with experience, I sat in a moving vehicle, and stared straight out into the scenery, but from what I found, your eye gets attracted to anything moving. I've also done some internet surfing, and same results there, so I guess this leaves this with a conclusion, No your eye does not follow anything cute, it is just highly attracted to it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E Song Song.

Authors note: The Campfire song song is a sponge bob classic. Many kids love it. Even I still do, the just pure stupidity and humor of the show makes it a favorite of a decent amount of sponge bob lovers.

Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along

Pam Pam Pam...

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you dont think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E...

Squidward good
It'll help
It'll help
If you just sing along!
O Yea!!

See? Every lyric is really ridicules and pointless but that's what makes this song amazing. I guess the lyrics make my humor grow and it makes me happy. What emotions does it give you? Please leave a comment!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Ultimate Grip!

Authors note: Writing a document about my favorite Christmas present a baseball bat. And I wanted to let you enjoy the exitement too!

Day 1

You probably don't know me, I'm still packaged up. But I am a present, not just any present but a Christmas present! Can't wait to be opened as a matter of fact. Well, I'm tired. Goodnight!

Day 2

Good news! Someone was shaking me, I was scared but also  really happy at the same time. It means someone is really exited to open me!

Day 5

Sorry I havn't written in a a while, Christmas is in three days! There has been a lot of commotion around the house I sure hope we're having Christmas at this house!

Day 8

CHRISTMAS! Only a couple more hours until we open presents.

Day 9

I am opened, and they love me! They take the most exited grip on me and i just love it! I really hope you enjoy your Christmas!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Summer Days

What do you like to you on a nice warm summer day? I like to play sports and go to the pool. But if you want to know my idea of a perfect summer day, well here it goes. I wake up in the morning and look outside, its sunny and warm. I go downstairs for breakfast and there waits eggs and coffee. After that i go annd get my friends, we play football at the park for a while, then go in for lunch, Which is lemonade and a ham sandwitch. We go to the pool in the afternoon and go out for dinner. Then we have a sleepover and stay up late. That's the best possible summer day!

The best sports athletes.

Arron Rodgers, Berry bondz. You know the names! But what if they werent around, what would change?
Say you wouldn't be as entertained with sports as much. Would you even play them? Those are somethings we'll never find out. Sports are my favorite entertainment. I play them every day!